About us

Who we are:

Connecting Notts is Nottingham’s Youth Cultural Partnership, supported by ChalleNGe Nottingham. Arts organisations and sixth forms in the city can nominate up to 2 representatives (aged 16-24); demonstrating their support and commitment to making arts opportunities more relevant and accessible to all young people in the city.

See profiles of current Connecting Notts members

Our purpose

We build collaboration and communication between Nottingham’s arts and cultural organisations and young people.

Celebrating every art form, we build networks and engage young people from all backgrounds.

Young Voices Symposium, February 2023, at Nonsuch organised by Nottingham UNESCO City of Literature

Story of Change

We want to make a difference for young people in Nottingham – helping young people find relevant, accessible and affordable opportunities to be creative; while also ensuring more youth-led activities so that our city’s arts and cultural offers truly reflect our passions and interests.

As Nottingham’s Youth Cultural Partnership, ‘Connecting Notts’ continues to grow and participate at a strategic level – influencing change within arts organisations’ programmes and giving young people a voice at the heart of decision making.

We’re here to strengthen collective action and communication and represent young peoples’ views from a host of different arts organisations. We undertake research, organise focus groups and listening projects. We are inclusive, collaborative, creative, meaningful, mindful, empowering and supportive.

Interested in joining?

The Connecting Notts team are supported by Upstart Projects and meet monthly (usually the last Monday of the month).

Join us! – click here